Auto Han, the grandfather of atomic chemistry
Auto Hana, the scientist who gave the world the gift of nuclear energy by first detonating a uranium atom, is said to be the father of atomic chemistry. E. Q. At 19, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for this discovery.
Auto Han was born e. Q. Born on March 18 in Germany. His father was a leading builder in Germany. Ottohan joined the University of Margburg for higher studies after doing elementary studies at Frankft. During college black he mineral and In-depth study of chemicals. He worked with many leading scientists while working as an assistant to Professor Theodore Zakak at the University of Munich.
E. Q. On January 19, he and Tsie Strasman split and detonated a uranium atom, laying the groundwork for the discovery of nuclear power. Auto Han founded the Max Planck Society. This institute is still known as the world renowned science institute. E. Q. He died on July 6, 2013.
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